Mövenpick Resort Phan Thiet - Luxury hotel - Spa & Recreation

Spa and Recreation in Phan Thiet

Immerse yourself in luxury at Mövenpick Resort Phan Thiet. From serene lagoon pools to romantic beach strolls, invigorating workouts to pampering spa sessions, and captivating cultural experiences, escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary with us.


Come, create unforgettable moments that last a lifetime.


Peak hours are from 13:00 to 19:00. Kindly book Spa services 24 hours in advance. Thank you!

Promotional offers

  • Blissful Escape

    Blissful Escape

    Experience "Blissful Escape" at Mövenpick Resort Phan Thiet Are you looking for a place to rejuvenate your soul and natural beauty? Discover the "Blissful Escape" package at...

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  • The Legend Of Love

    The Legend Of Love

    The Legend of Love - Relax, refresh, recharge 1.800.000 net/couple Immerse yourselves in our unique signature therapies at our Oasis Wellness & Spa, which include:...

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  • Little Birds Packages

    Little Birds Packages

    A special relaxation gift for your children 499.000 net/kid 399.000 net/kid for Accor + member Can children benefit from massage therapy? A big YES. Children seldom get...

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  • Escape To Serenity

    Escape To Serenity

    Discover Chakras therapy - a method that brings balance and refreshes both body and mind combined with a full body massage with hot stones for 70 minutes. Uses warm stones to...

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  • Spa & Recreation
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